Tuesday, May 4, 2010


During the reading of Susan Cheevers' American Bloomsbury, one phrase stayed with me. In the presence of greatness. And so, the obvious comes to mind. Greatness in my mind is first manifested in GOD but it also recently came to my attention when, as we drove into the yard today, we discovered a ‘new’ bird eating the Flowering Crabtree’s apples. Helen said she thought it was a Cedar Waxwing. What a thrill! we had not seen one for years and to think he was eating his lunch at our old tree. Speaking of being in the presence of greatness, Yes to see a simple bird in a tree makes one realize that at that moment greatness is with us. Just as the red berries on the Barberry Bush are there to cheer us each time we step out the front door; I am in awe each time I see the Great Blue Heron ease himself up from the little pond below the barn. I could think of lots more but you probably get the idea. When one is in the unencumbered position of concentrating on one great thing it pushes all the unimportant frivolities to one side. Awe is a good word to describe these feelings of another presence. I think we all have at one time had an awestruck happening in our lives. And, if we think about it we might be able to reach into a corner of memories and find one or two.

So greatness instills in us a feeling of awe and wonder. In trying to find other examples, I came upon the mountains, and glaciers of Switzerland and our own Alaska. I might even include man-made wonders the designers of which must have felt they were in the presence of greatness when the designs were developing. And too, our great authors, especially those who established a writing tradition in our country. They also believed they were in the presence of greatness. Ralph W. Emerson, his friends Thoreau, Hawthorne, Bronson Alcott, and Louisa. And so we arrive at that place in our personal world for isn’t it that greatness that guides our thinking and writing and communication with one another? Thanks be to GREATNESS.


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