Tuesday, January 19, 2010

life interupted

January, 12, 2010, a major earthquake hit Port-au-Prince, Haiti,
causing immense death and destruction. Other news the same
week contained the usual reports of suicide bombers and drone

Life Interrupted

Earth shaking
  bricks raining
    hearts retching
Piles and piles
  of stones
    once homes,
Lives crumbling.

Children crying,
  injured, dying,
    wailing … wailing
Mothers frenzied,
  calling … calling
    searching, screaming.
Fathers missing.

Fires without fighters,
sewers running wild,
water polluted,
no food,
no milk,
no medicine
nowhere to turn.

Then looters, gangs
    prowling, prowling
soldiers coming,
  bulldozing bodies:
    the mass graves … graves …

Are not earthquakes
Must we also
  bomb one another?

-- Doug Behm 1/15/10

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