Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Byzantine Vespers

The Lord my Creator took me as dust from the earth,

and formed me into a living being, I

breathing into me the breath of life. . ) ,.

God honored me,

setting me as ruler upon earth over all things visible,

and made me companion of the angels.

But Satan the deceiver,

using the serpent as instrument,

enticed me by food- ,

patted me from the glory of God,

and gave me over to the earth and to the lowest depths

of the earth.

But in compassion, 0 Savior, call me back again!

o paradise, garden of delight and beauty,

dwelling-place made perfect by God,

unending gladness and eternal joy,

the hope of the prophets and the home of the saints:

By the music of your rustling leaves

beseech the-Creator of all to open to me the gates

which my sins have closed,

that I may partake of the Tree of Life

which was given me in the beginning. Amen.

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