Monday, February 1, 2010

Where I have been, you have been before.

Lord Jesus

It is my great comfort to know

that, where I have been,

you have been before.

You had a day's work to do

just as I have a day's work to do.

You were tempted

just as I am tempted.

You were distressed in mind in Gethsemane

just as I am distressed in mind.

You had to suffer pain

just as I have to suffer pain

and your pain was far worse than mine.

You are the Resurrection and the Life,

because you died and rose again,

and you are alive always and for ever,

and once and for all you conquered death.

So I am quite sure that whatever happens to me,

you have been there;

you are there;

you will be there,

to the end of time and beyond.


William Barclay (1907 - 1978)

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