Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Communion Hymn (Fifth Century)

Because for our sake you tasted gall, may the

Enemy's bitterness be killed in us.

Because for our sake you drank sour wine, may what

is weak in us be strengthened.

Because for our sake you Were spat upon, may we be

bathed in the dew of immortality.

Because for our sake you were struck with a rod, may

we receive shelter in the last.

Because for our sake you accepted a crown of thorns,

may we that love you be crowned with garlands

that never can fade.

Because for our sake you were wrapped in a shroud,

may we be clothed in your all-enfolding


Because you were laid in the new grave and the tomb,

may we receive renewal of soul and body.

Because you rose and returned to life, may we be

brought to life again...


Communion Hymn (Fifth Century)

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