Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Your Law, 0 Lord,

Your Law, 0 Lord,

written on men's hearts,

inscribed and learned

by multitudes of men,

seeping through a thousand crevices

into the remote corners

of our world___

Your Law has reared

not only the huge symmetries of justice,

those marred majesties,

but even these little

complexities of discipline

that make the grit of life

less grinding,

the collision of will on will

less violent:

yellow lines on roads,

meters on the curb,

patrol boys at crossings,

lights that guide us with bright control

or blinking warn us in our hastiness.

.Teach us, 0 Lord,

to see in them a refraction from flashing Sinai,

to see Your moving finger in their work,

to give them our 'ready and quick assent,

to delight in them

as men made new

in Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Through Him we pray.


Martin H. Franzmann (1907 - 1976)

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