Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"You Are Needed!"


Someone has imagined the Carpenter's tools holding a conference.

Brother Hammer presided. Several suggested he leave the

meeting because he was too noisy. Replied the Hammer, "If 1

have to leave this shop, Brother Screw must go also. You have

to turn him around again and again to get him to accomplish


Brother Screw then spoke up. "If you wish, I'll leave. But

Brother Plane must leave too. All his work is on the surface. Hi

efforts have no depth."

To this Brother Plane responded, "Brother Rule will also have

to withdraw, for he is always measuring folks as though he were

the only one who is right."

Brother Rule then complained against Brother Sandpaper: "You

ought to leave too 'because you're so rough and always rubbing

people the wrong way."

In the midst of all this discussion, in walked the Carpenter of

Nazareth. He had arrived to start His day's work. Putting on His

apron, He went to the bench to make a pulpit from which to

proclaim the Gospel. He employed the hammer, screw, plane,

rule, sandpaper, and all the other tools. After the day's work

when the pulpit, was finished, Brother Saw arose and remarked:

"Brethren, I observe that all of us are workers together with the


God is a God of variety. In nature, what a diversity of animals!

Every snowflake is different, every fingerprint, every face, Likewise,

God is a God of variety in His church. What a diversity of

gifts He has bestowed on believers to equip them for service!

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