Tuesday, February 16, 2010



O sacred head, now wounded,

With grief and shame weighed down,

Now scornfully surrounded

With thorns, your only crown.

O sacred head, what glory

And bliss did once combine;

Though now despised and gory,

I joy to call you mine!

How pale you are with anguish,

With sore abuse and scorn!

Your face, your eyes now languish,

Which once were bright as mom.

Now from your cheeks has vanished

Their color once so fair;

From loving lips is banished

The splendor that was there.

What language can I borrow

To thank you, dearest friend,

For this your dying sorrow,

Your mercy without end?

Bind me to you forever,

Give courage from above;

Let not my weakness sever

Your bond of lasting love.


Paul Gerhardt (1607 - 1676)

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