Monday, February 15, 2010

I have invited you, Lord, to a wedding feast of song,

I have invited you, Lord, to a wedding feast of song,

but the wine-the utterance of praise-at our feast

has failed.

You are the guest who filled the jars with good wine,

fill my mouth with your praise.

You who are so just, if at a wedding feast not your own

you filled six jars with good wine,

do you, at this wedding feast, fill, not stone jars,

but the Church's ten thousand ears with its sweetness.

Jesus, you were invited to the wedding feast of others,

here is your own pure and fair wedding feast: gladden

your reborn people,

for your guests too, 0 Lord, need

your songs; let your harp resound!

The soul is your bridal chamber,

your guests are our senses and our thoughts,

And if a single person is a wedding feast for you,

how great is your banquet for the whole Church!


Ephraem (306 - 373)

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