Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lord of the sea and land

Lord of the sea and land,

Creator of the boisterous flood,

Master of wind and wave,

Into Thy keeping we commend those who are at sea,

All who pass and traffic over the expanse of great waters.

We bless Thee for the skill Thou hast entrusted to the

hands of men;

For honesty of sun and star,

For man's genius which speaks from ship to shore

And keeps touch with loved ones across wastes where

eyes no longer see.

Lord, Thou Who gayest to Thy Son the power to

subdue angry tides at Gennesaret

.Bringing peace to angry waters,

Grant journeying mercies to those who ride this day

in stormy latitudes.

Thou only art everywhere,

In Thee there is no East or West,

No North or South,

Nor any distance.

Thou plantest the fountains of the deep

And ordainest the dry land,

Only in Thee do our hearts find rest,

For in Thee we trust our all

In near and far flung voyagings;

Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

George Stewart (1862 - 19)3)

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